
We are here
Our Location

by public transport

From Westbahnhof go by U3 to Stephansplatz - change to U1 direction Oberlaa - get off Station Neulaa - exit Weidelstraße.
From Hauptbahnhof go by U1 direction Oberlaa - get off Station Neulaa - exit Weidelstraße.
From our pension 10 minutes to Vienna-City.

by car

On Highway A1 take exit to A21 about 30 km before Vienna. From Highway A21 go to Highway S1. On Highway S1 take exit Rothneusiedl. On roundabout take exit Favoriten.
On Highway A2 take exit to S1 about 5 km before Vienna. On Highway S1 take exit Rothneusiedl. On roundabout take exit Favoriten.
On Highway A4 take exit to S1 about 5 km before Vienna. On Highway S1 take exit Rothneusiedl. On roundabout take exit Favoriten.

from Airport

From the Airport Vienna VIA by S-Bahn S7 to Wien Praterstern. By metro U1 direction Oberlaa - get off Station Neulaa - exit Weidelstraße.
The easiest way is to go by taxi. Only 15 min to our pension.